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We supply badges etc for those who want immigration  drastically reduced.


Do you have the courage to wear one?

Days for mass displays.

A permanent change is needed. ©

MULTITUDE IMMIGRATION MUST END FOR ME - If you would  like to see masses of people sporting badges saying this, do your bit and wear one yourself . You  can wear it publicly or privately and all the time or selectively such as on Badge Display Days.  

BADGES  SPREAD THE MESSAGE - Wherever you wear your badge and someone can see it is, be it at home or elsewhere, this is a help and a positive step to get the message across.

BADGE DISPLAY DAYS  - These are needed  so that everyone can  have the courage  to make the collective statement in public  If there is enthusiastic support then there may be events such as walks to attract media attention on these days.

A WRITTEN CONSTITUTION is needed with a provision to ban further multitude migration.  This is the ultimate goal: a permanent change.